Infection Control Statement

Infection Control Annual Statment 2022-2023


This annual statement will be generated each year in October. It will summarise:

  • Any infection transmission incidents and any actions taken (these will have been reported in accordance with our Significant Event Policy)
  • Details of any infection control audits undertaken and actions taken
  • Details of any infection control risk assessments undertaken
  • Details of staff training
  • Any review and update of policies, procedures and guidelines 


Sturry Surgery and Canterbury Health Centre have a 1 Lead GP and 1 Deputy Lead Nurse for Infection, Prevention and Control (IPC).

Dr K Patel is a GP Partner who has been at the surgery since August 2018, and Nurse Karen Rahman is our Lead Practice Nurse who has been with the surgery since January 2017. Both have extensive experience in working in clinical environments and maintaining Infection, Prevention and Control standards.

Our aim is that between both Dr Patel and Nurse Karen, Infection, Prevention and Control standards are maintained to the highest possible standards by regularly reviewing our processes and promoting and encouraging wider learning of IPC standards within the surgery team. This will be done by regularly sharing information through clinical and practice meetings and by regular audits and action plans.


Significant Events

Between April 2022 and March 2023 there have been 2 incidents recorded where the Practice considered a significant event review to be necessary. Both incidents were in relation to breaches of cold chain in vaccine management. Both incidents were identified before any adverse outcome occurred. These are detailed in the Practice’s Significant Analysis Log. 



An audit was carried out across both sites by infection prevention solutions on 5th May 2022. The name of the auditor was Susan Roots.

Following this audit there were multiple areas highlighted for review and improvement. These included:

  • To undertake an up-to-date sharps risk assessment – Completed
  • Create daily cleaning schedule for equipment - Ongoing
  • Devise a written protocol identifying an area that can be used for patients with communicable disease - Ongoing
  • Devise a written weekly schedule for the running of taps - Completed
  • Devise vaccine management protocol - Completed
  • Have COSHH data sheets readily available - Completed
  • Ensure walls and privacy screens are in a good state of repair – Repairs Planned
  • Ensure chairs and furniture are in a good state of repair – Ongoing
  • Ensure toys are stored in a designated area in a robust, wipeable container or surface – Ongoing
  • Plastic aprons to be stored in covered containers or wall mounted dispensers – Ongoing
  • Familiarise staff with sign for ‘single use’
  • Have posters demonstrating good hand washing technique – Ongoing
  • Replace clinical hand wash basin with no plug or overflow – Ongoing
  • Cleaning equipment properly colour coded – Completed
  • Cleaning equipment is stored clean and with mops inverted – Completed

There is a focus on the Practice on putting measures in place to prevent antimicrobial resistance. In 2022/2033, the Practice undertook 2 audits to look at antibiotic prescribing.

The first audit looked at where antibiotics were prescribed correctly for sore throats in children. In cycle 1, 78% of antibiotics prescribed were appropriate for the clinical presentation. In cycle 2, still 78% of antibiotics prescribed were appropriate for the clinical presentation. 

The 2nd audit looked at broad spectrum co-amoxiclav prescribing. On cycle one of the audit, 45% of antibiotics prescribed was the first line antibiotic and were prescribed correctly. On cycle 2, 73% of antibiotics prescribed was the first line antibiotic and were prescribed correctly.

An action plan has been devised to help continue to support this work which includes:

  • Discussion at clinical meetings re NICE guidance on antibiotic prescribing
  • Remind all to use FP and C algorithm
  • Re-audit next year

Risk Assessments

Work place risk assessments are carried out so that best practice can be established and then followed. They are carried out on a monthly basis at both sites. A detailed annual risk assessment was carried out on 24th May 2022. Majority of the actions recommended have now been completed, including updating relevant protocols, amending processes and devising any missing policies. 

Full details of the Practice’s risk assessment can be found in the Practice intranet, under Health and Safety. 


Infection Prevention Control Training

All staff are instructed to complete their Infection, Prevention and Control training annually. All administrative staff are required to do level 1 and all clinical staff are required to do level 2. 

As at 1st October 2023, only 68% of admin staff and 31% of clinical staff have completed their annual refresher training. This will be addressed urgently.


Reviews / Updates of Policies, Guidance and Procedures

  • All risk assessments were reviewed and updated between 13/04/2023 – 14/04/2023
  • Infection control and clinical waste management policy has been reviewed and updated – 12/04/2023
  • Cleaning audits are now carried out monthly by the cleaning company, with regular action plans provided
  • The Health and Safety Policy has been reviewed and updated 05/05/2022
  • Vaccine management and drug storage policy was updated on 15/04/2022
  • We are currently putting processes in place to support the work surrounding antimicrobial resistance.

The next annual statement will be reviewed and shared by 1st October 2024.