Patient Participation Group


A message from the PPG Chair

What is the Patient Participation Group? Well firstly you all are, if you are a registered patient, you are automatically a member of the Drs Molony, Greaves & Partners PPG.

What does the PPG actually do? Its purpose is to facilitate good relations between the GP practice and the patients by communicating patient experience, interests and concerns to the practice as well as providing feedback to the practice on current procedures and proposed new developments.

To help facilitate this the practice has set up a Patient Participation Group Committee (PPGC).

I am Bob Baker and have taken on the role of chair of the PPGC and will be doing my best to help deliver on ideas and objectives to improve communication between patients and the practice as well as working collaboratively with the practice to improve the patient experience for the benefit of both the patients and the practice.

At the moment there are only four registered patients on the PPGC along with one of the practice partners and two members of staff. To ensure that we have a good representation of patients from both surgeries we desperately need more volunteers to join the PPGC. The committee meets four times a year for about an hour or two so it is not a huge demand on individual’s time but can be a valuable contribution to improving the practice.

If you are interested in joining the PPGC please let the practice know at reception or view the PPG webpage for more information.

Even if you do not want to join the PPGC but have any ideas, suggestions or feedback that has the potential to improve the practice please feel free to contact the PPG with your thoughts.

Please note the PPGC is set up for the patients and practice in general and cannot deal with individual health issues or complaints they should be directed to the practice through the normal channels.

Hopefully over the coming months we can start instigating new ideas to improve the patient/practice experience and as mentioned above we would be delighted to hear from you.

Best regards,

Bob Baker
PPGC Chair

Published: Jun 24, 2024